Biodigester Products Ltd | Designers and manufacturers of wastewater treatment systems
Breaking News: Our newly patented T range doesn't require emptying for at least 3 years (if at all)! Contact us for more information.

The Biodigester ‘EK’ range of sewage/wastewater treatment plants is a ‘Design and Build’ system particularly suitable for developing countries and remote locations.
The tanks are constructed locally to designs supplied by BES. The tanks may be above or below ground.
BES provides sizings and quotations for each enquiry. Diagrams are provided upon receipt of an order.
The simple but refined technology may be operated by personnel without specialist training. Very little maintenance is required.
All the components necessary to install an operational Biodigester are supplied by BES.
A Biodigester ‘EK’ system for 1,500 people in residential accommodation is in use outside Nairobi, Kenya.
At a glance:
Process either total aeration or four stage submerged aerated system
Population or Population Equivalents up to 5,000

Ancillary products & spares