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Sustainable urban drainage systems
Sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) improve drainage in areas prone to surface level run off.
SUDS are ideal for use in modern building estates where much of the ground may be impermeable – due to concrete or other surfaces – causing a large amount of run-off.
Originally brought in to aid urban developments, many rural areas can also now benefit from SUDS.
Contact us to discuss your SUDS requirements with our design consultancy.
Design Consultancy
We offer design consultancy for SUDS schemes including water storage in lagoons, tanks or attenuation crates with controlled outflow into a watercourse or an underground dispersal system.
SUDS products we offer​
Storage Tanks glassfibre (GRP) construction to a maximum diameter of 4.0 metres.
Retention Crates plastic crates for underground water storage.
Hydrobrakes to control and limit flow from water storage.
Pumped and Timed Systems to control and limit flow from storage.
Your SUDS questions, answered
Do I need SUDS? A Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) evaluation may be necessary in certain circumstances. SuDS must now be taken into account in all major development planning applications in England as of April 6, 2015. Any building work in Wales that could have an impact on drainage must now wait until a SuDS system has been authorised by a SuDS Approval Body (or "SAB")). All new developments with more than one house or when the construction area is 100 m2 or larger fall under the scope of the construction work. When SuDS and drainage are taken into account early on in the development process, SuDS and drainage may often be implemented and incorporated into a development efficiently and at a cheaper cost than typical drainage systems. SuDS have a wide range of advantages, including lowering the danger of flooding both on-site and off, increasing water quality, promoting biodiversity, and raising the amenity value for both users and residents. Architects and planning consultants must offer a strong justification and explanations for why SuDS are not acceptable if they cannot be executed on site. The causes could be due to environmental circumstances like historic contamination or flood risk, planning restrictions, or spatial limitations caused by the development pattern. SuDS may generally be incorporated into most innovations, provided that they are taken into account as early in the development process as practicable. We can consult on whether your project needs SUDS. Contact us for more information.